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The magazine for women of the world

HORA is much more than just a women's magazine; it is an invitation to dive into the heart of femininity around the world. Each month, it celebrates women in all their diversity, exploring their creativity, strength and cultural heritage. HORA is constantly reinventing itself, adapting to events here and elsewhere, and offering an enriching perspective on the condition of women.

Our varied sections take you on a fascinating journey: Fashion, Beauty, Health, Well-being, Entrepreneurship, Home & Decor, Travel, Perfumes & Jewelry, Arts & Cultures, complemented by inspiring interviews and portraits of remarkable women.

Supported by an editorial team present on four continents, HORA offers a global and inclusive vision, actively supporting the fight of women around the world. This magazine is a space for celebration and sisterhood, where every woman can find herself and be honored.

With HORA, each page is a celebration of the soul, beauty and boldness of women from here and elsewhere.

Join us for an enriching experience, a true journey to the heart of feminine inspiration on our website.