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Empower Your Brand with Impactful Connections

Sociis, pronounced [sotjees], comes from a Latin word meaning ‘partners, companion, unity’. As a social impact networking platform, Sociis embodies these values by connecting purpose-driven businesses, NGOs and individuals.

Our community fosters a global network dedicated to sustainability and social impact. Here, unity in purpose not only strengthens business relationships but also transforms them into a force for global good.

what is


We all know the B2B and B2C acronyms. However, in recent years, the power of purpose has revolutionized sustainable business practices and how consumers align their purchasing power.

This is the driving force behind Sociis, the first B2P (Business-to-Purpose) company of its kind.

Corporate Membership
950 Yearly
  • Get your own profile page to share your narrative
  • Be one of the first to access our network
  • A lifetime lock of your Corporate Member rate
  • Collaboration opportunity prioritization
  • Be a part of our digital platform launch

The influence of purpose is evident up and down the value chain

how we work

Our 3-step


• Curate like-minded companies focused on sustainable business practices.• ESG/CSRD experts and beginners, across all industries, and company sizes, focused on purpose driven outcomes.


· Develop connections with peers who champion transformation.· Provide access to the most relevant & diverse content resources via thought leaders.· Fostering an informed & involved community – both internal and external.

Giving Back

· 20% of our profit is donated to our curated causes· Opportunity to directly donate to our partners• Generate global goodwill

What’s in it
for you

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