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Creating a Wasteless World: The Vision of Industry 5.0

In a recent interview with Michael Rada, the founder of Industry 5.0, we delved into his journey, vision, and the transformative potential of Industry 5.0. Michael’s passion for creating a wasteless world is evident in every word, and his innovative approach to preventing waste on an industrial scale offers a refreshing perspective on sustainable business practices.

Michael Rada, a man without a university degree, began his career as a steel factory worker and spent over two decades in logistics. His turning point came in 2013 when he realized that no one was actively trying to prevent waste on an industrial scale. This realization led him to leave his high-ranking position in a Japanese corporation to pursue his mission of building a wasteless world.

Industry 5.0, as Michael describes, is not just about technological advancements but about changing mindsets. “You don’t need to invest money to prevent waste from happening; you just need to change your mindset,” he emphasizes. This shift in thinking is crucial for businesses to become more profitable while reducing waste. Michael’s work, known as industrial upcycling, involves repurposing products that would otherwise become waste. He shares a poignant example: “Every single day, they throw away up to 10,000 pieces because their main quality criteria is the sound. What is good is they can crash, they can regranulate the black ones.”

I spent more than almost 25 years mainly with Logistics, but after 23 years I realized there is something wrong in the world of business and this wrong part was that nobody in the world tried to prevent waste happen on an Industrial scale."
- Michael Rada -

Michael’s approach to waste prevention extends beyond physical waste to include social waste, urban waste, process waste, and even the wasting of time. He highlights the importance of transparency, profit-sharing, and efficiency in all projects, which are core principles of Industry 5.0. “If you take it from the business point of view, everybody who starts to implement and do what I advise, to prevent waste from happening, becomes much more profitable than before,” he notes.

For individuals and educators, Michael’s advice is clear: change starts with oneself. “There is only one person responsible for my future, and this person can be seen in a mirror,” he asserts. By changing our own behaviors, we can become role models for others, especially children. He also advocates for practical steps like refilling single-use plastic bottles and reducing the number of garbage bins in a space to minimize waste.

Michael’s vision for Industry 5.0 is ambitious but achievable. He envisions a global network of Industry 5.0 ambassadors who can help implement these principles worldwide. His message is simple yet powerful: “Do you want to generate waste or profit?”

"In 2019, the value of global waste prevention was $475 trillion USD. After the war in Ukraine started, it reached over one quadrillion. This is a number with 15 zeros, and even if you count all businesses in the world together..."
- Michael Rada -

Rada emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility in waste prevention. He encourages everyone to look at the world through the lens of efficiency and sustainability, starting with simple actions like reusing single-use plastic bottles and reducing the number of garbage bins to minimize waste.

By embracing Industry 5.0, businesses and individuals alike can contribute to a more sustainable future, where waste is minimized, and efficiency is maximized. As Michael Rada continues to inspire and lead by example, the dream of a wasteless world seems more attainable than ever.

Watch the full interview to learn more about Michael Rada’s journey and how you can join the Industry 5.0 movement.

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