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Non Profit Organization

Uplifting Children and Strengthening Families

Empowered Child Ministries, a Christian, non-profit Community Based Organization, was founded by Bazira Ibrahim and Mirembe Abigail on June 17, 2015. Registered under Jinja District Local Government Community Service Department, it aims to help and support children and young people in need. The organization focuses on orphans, vulnerable children, homeless individuals, street children, youths, and HIV-affected widows in remote Ugandan villages.

Many of our children are orphans, some are from AIDS-affected families, and majority living in families barely able to cope. Education is such a key factor in helping vulnerable children, but education, especially in rural parts of Uganda, is hopelessly underfunded.

We mainly support these children through our education program – helping individual children access education, social support and welfare care enabling vocational skills training where an academic schooling is unsuitable, helping children with disabilities make progress and access learning and healthcare, improving life opportunities for people ‘living positively’ with HIV/AIDS – counselling, testing and education, and, where appropriate, extra nutrition.

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