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Olivier Begerem

Strategic Stakeholder Consultant

From sensors in the soil to bytes in the blockchain, Olivier Begerem’s career is a testament to the power of curiosity-driven innovation. As a horticultural engineer turned tech entrepreneur, Olivier has cultivated a unique blend of agricultural knowledge and technology expertise.

His journey began in the fields, where he co-founded 2Grow, revolutionizing farming with smart sensors. Under his guidance, 2Grow’s roots spread across 25 countries, nurturing over 400 clients with data-driven insights. Driven by an insatiable appetite for innovation, Olivier co-founded The Nest to further pollinate the Belgian startup ecosystem with his enthusiasm. Whether it’s crafting a pitch deck or prototyping a product, he brings the same meticulous care a gardener shows to their prized plants.

When he’s not thinking about the next big tech developments, you might find Olivier stretching his limits in yoga, exploring nature, climbing boulders or engaged in an intense battle of wits over a board game. As a proud cat dad, he believes in balancing the digital world with the simple joys of life.

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